Working towards an HIV-free future
We have come a long way since the first cases of HIV were identified forty years ago. We went from no treatment to a cocktail of drugs...
We have come a long way since the first cases of HIV were identified forty years ago. We went from no treatment to a cocktail of drugs...
HIV is not Santa. It does not care if you have been naughty or nice. It is a virus that does not discriminate.
I called the GU clinic for a sexual health screening and was told to call again in a fortnight. By then, clinicians hope that they will...
A few weeks ago, The Malta Independent on Sunday spoke with HIV activists in order to get an insight on the current situation of HIV...
Today, World AIDS Day, we remember those who lost their battle against AIDS – the late-stage HIV when the condition remains untreated....
prevention is better – and cheaper – than cure,”
The Government is allocating a budget of €1 million per annum for the provision of service for the treatment of people living with HIV....
Huwa avukat, akkademiku u attivist fil-qasam tal-etika fil-kura tas-saħħa. F’intervista ma’ inewsmalta Dr Mark Josef Rapa jiddiskuti fuq...
Hon. Edwin Vassallo's 'apology' is short sighted and does not meet what is expected from him as a Member of Parliament. Last week, on his...
World AIDS Day, the day we commemorate and remember those lives we have lost to AIDS, the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome which...
I refer to the reply by the Equality Ministry ‘LGBTIQ action plan’ (September 20) to my comments in ‘HIV treatment in Malta archaic,...
Medication comes at a hefty price of €600 Treatment for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in Malta is “archaic” because doctors were...
The International AIDS Conference continues to provide key findings in the development of HIV treatment and prevention, but not just. It...
The clinic in 56 Dean Street, London has reported a decrease of 90 per cent in HIV diagnoses; from 60 to 70 a month two years ago down to...
The Sunday Circle - January 2018