Pre-Expsosure Prophylaxis - worldly referred to as PrEP - is a pill which prevents the acquisition of HIV in 99% of the cases.  The drugs in the pill (Tenofovir and Emtricitabine) are the same two drugs which can make part of Antiretroviral regimen (ARV)– the treatment prescribed for HIV - in other words, the combination of two drugs used in ARV have clinically be proven to be effective to prevent the same condition they treat, HIV

PrEP is for HIV negative people at a high risk of acquiring HIV. It is safe to be used by men, women, trans people, and injecting drug users (IDUs). What it boils down to is the risky practices one engages into; nothing to do with sexual orientation.
There is more than a single regimen, allowing each individual to choose one which fits their lifestyle and sexual practices best.
Daily -
1 pill - 7 days a week
(suitable for both anal and vaginal sex)
Event based dosing / On Demand PrEP -
2 pills - 24hours before sex
1 pill - 24 hours later
1 pill - 24hours later
(not suitable for vaginal sex)
4 Pills a week
1 pill – 7 days
1 pill thereon - Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday
(not suitable for vaginal sex)
1 pill daily – 7 days before 7-day holiday
1 pill daily – 7-day holiday period
1 pill daily – 7 days after a 7-day holiday
(suitable for both anal and vaginal sex)

PrEP can be bought from the local pharmacies listed here https://www.gaymalta.com/post/prep-availability-in-malta or online.
In pharmacies, the price is fixed at €56.70 for 30days' supply. Pharmacists will only dispense PrEP upon presentation of a prescription which you can get from the GU clinic at mater Dei, or specialists working privately. To make an appointment at the GU clinic, call: (00356) 2122 7981.
Online, the prices vary. Some even offer special offers and discounts when you buy more than one bottle (30 days' supply). London's Dean Street Clinic offered to test people's drugs bought online and they found no examples of counterfeit drugs. You can read more about this here https://www.prepineurope.org/en/get-prep/buying-it-online/. Most online stores will not ask you for a prescription. However, if the drugs get stuck at customs, they will only be released upon presentation of a prescription.
We take this opportunity to remind you that PrEP is for people who are not living with HIV. It is therefore recommended that you visit the GU clinic or a private clinic where there is a GU specialist for an HIV test.

The branded combination of the drugs is known as ‘Truvada’, manufactured by the pharma company, Gillead. Its price is still too high, with many unable to afford purchasing this medication necessary to not only prevent the chronic condition of HIV but to also be in greater control of their sex life. In the market one can however, find the generic of the branded drug – Generics are pills which contain the same active ingredients of the branded drug but use a different compound. For generics to be introduced onto the market they have to have met “rigorous standards established by the FDA with respect to identity, strength, quality, purity, and potency.” In other words, generics are the ‘same’ as branded drugs but sold at a lower price.
Even though there can be some hesitation to buy generics other than thebranded version, this hesitation is ill-founded.

To date, research has shown that there is NO interaction between PrEP and;
Party drugs
Hormonal contraceptive pill
Feminising hormones

Sexual Health Clinical - Mater Dei clinic
The GU clinic at Mater Dei Hospital offers free and confidential STI and HIV testing and screening.
To book an appointment call +356 21227981

Leading pharmacies
HIV self testing kits allow any individual to get themselves tested within the comfort of their own homes.
Together we can end HIV.
Science has given us the tools we need

Get in touch with PrEPing Malta to learn more about our work and how you can get involved.
This website is solely intended for knowledge sharing. Neither me or my website are affiliated with any of the mentioned Pharmaceutical companies, clinics or any other brands that might be mentioned on this site..